Return Policy
Once your order has been placed, it is scheduled for production and as such, we are unable to allow for changes and corrections. In addition, as all items are personalized or contain information that is unique to you or your customer(s) we cannot accept returns.
If the order you placed is incorrect and you believe it was a result of our production process, My One Stop will reprint an order that is due solely to printer error (ghosting, smudges, light ink, incorrect perforations, form alignment, etc.)
If your order is cancelled prior to proof approval per your request, there will be a $75.00 cancellation charge. This charge is in addition to any proof/shipping that has occurred prior to cancellation.
If your order is cancelled after proof approval per your request, in addition to a $75.00 cancellation fee you will also be charged for any costs incurred through the production process, including proofs, product and shipping charges.
* All stock item returns will incur a 50% restocking fee.